


The types of plants should be planted healthy indoor

Growing plants indoors not only beautify your home but some ornamental plants like ivy, orchids reviews, betel … she can purify the air, absorb pollutants in the environment brings living space clean, healthy for your family.

The carpeted or painted walls can create chemicals pollute your indoor air. Fortunately, some houseplants can help you to effectively filter the air. Dr. Bill Wolverton environmental sciences recommend planting lots of trees in the house, should have at least two pots (about 25-30cm circumference) in an area of about 30m2. One note is that you should never overwatering because soil moisture can cause mold to grow.

1. ivy (Ivy, Hedera Helix)

This type of vines thrive in small spaces. It also grows well in a room with a window or sun light.

Dense canopy of ivy very good absorption of formaldehyde (also known as phoóc subject), one of the air pollutants in the most popular, which is used in many materials such as plywood, carpet, wood and plastic foam insulation. These materials will emit formaldehyde slowly over time. Formaldehyde inhaled at high concentrations may cause irritation of the eyes, causing tears and headache, heat in the throat, difficulty breathing, and cancer.

2. Lan standard, also known as the peace lily (Peace Lily, Spathiphyllum)


This is the origin of the hot plant, herbaceous, adapted to low-light environments, but require regular watering and toxic for pets … with a white flower clusters on thick upright branches, looks very lovely sa. The appropriate Lan small potted in home, office or patio tubs, lounge …

Trees can filter VOC benzene, a carcinogen found in paints, polishes, wax polished furniture. It also neutralized acetone, formaldehyde and trichloroethylen, which is emitted from electronic devices, adhesives and detergents.

3. Tree cloud architecture, also known as sectional or withered (Lady Palm, Rhapis Excelsa)


The tree is easy to grow, beautiful. 1-2 m high, with many original parts and lateral roots. Body smooth, steady burn, bringing more dry kelp left by fallen leaves. Photophilic trees or partial shade tolerant, suitable for interior plants, fingerling stage requires shade, well-drained soil. The average water demand.

Tree good filter ammonia, a substance that is harmful to the respiratory system, which is the main ingredient in detergents, textiles, and dyes.

4. Fern America (Boston Fern, Nephrolepis exaltata)


This plant is suitable for indoor hanging baskets. It is regarded as one of the air purifiers the most effective, but needs high humidity.

Tree works particularly well in removing formaldehyde. Some studies also show that it can remove toxic metals such as mercury and arsenic.

5. Tree tiger tongue (Snake Plant, Sansevieria trifasciata)


This plant thrives in low light. At night, it absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2) and release oxygen (a reversal of the synthesis of most of the plants of oxygen). Put a pot with 2 plants in your bedroom to increase oxygen while you sleep. In addition, you should also set the tree in a room with multiple printers, computers.

In addition to reducing carbon dioxide, trees tiger tongue reduces formaldehyde, benzene in the air.